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Sunday, December 3, 2023

Part 9 ZIONISM or Israel? Deconstructing a False Israel


ZION-ISM or Israel? Deconstructing the True from the false
What is The STATE of Israel ?

- rory moore

Defining the terms: 
1. "Zion" In the Old Testament scripture,
is the Kingdom of God. Where God rules and reigns via His Word and those that serve Him. In the New Testament, God reigns through Jesus Christ, the "King of Israel".

"Zionoccurs 160 times in the NKJV, 7x in the New Testament.
-And is used as another name for Jerusalem, the *dual-identity city.

"Zion" prophetically refers to "Jerusalem from above", with King Jesus, in the Kingdom of God.

Ps. 2:6
  yet I <God> have set My king <Jesus> on my holy hill of Zion <Jerusalem>.
Here is the catch, HOLY Jerusalem in the New Testament is not an earthly city!

But Christians that are fooled by their pastors and Christian Media do not know the difference between Zionists, Jews, Israel, nor the State of Israel.

Let's then consider the "dual identity" of Jerusalem: 

1. The ancient city in the Middle East now occupied by The State of Israel. It was once upon a time a holy city because of a holy temple of God there.
It was judged unfaithful and wicked, destroyed in 70AD, and gradually rebuilt and occupied by various peoples over the centuries, including Jewish, Arab, Palestinians, and others. 
Spiritually this same city is called "Sodom and Egypt" where Christ was crucified.
There is a strong case that it is also "Babylon" in Rev. 17 and 18.

2. The eternal heavenly city that numerous scriptures give witness to.
Galatians 4:26 But the Jerusalem which is above is free, and is the mother of us all.
Revelation 21:2 And I, John, saw the holy city, New Jerusalem, coming down from God out of Heaven.
Hebrews 12:22 But ye have come to Mount Zion and to the city of the living God, the heavenly Jerusalem...

"Zionism" and "Zionist" are words we have all heard, yet few know the meanings.

Modern "Zionism" birthed in the 1800's, was and is a political movement for the re-occupation and conquering of the region of ancient Israel.  As a political movement, it can and has used violence, deceit, military force, murder, bribery, and blackmail. The MOSSAD is the counterpart to our CIA. Prior to the "Zionist movement", the various people groups in the land lived together relatively peacefully for centuries. 

Modern political Zionism is racist, atheistic, highly political, and makes room for Orthodox Jewry who is looking for a Messiah they rejected 2,000 years ago. Major Sub-groups also include Talmudic Judaism, Kabbalists (occultic), and Reformed Judaism.

Modern "Zionism" which is secular and predominantly atheist, rejects Christ, Christians, (except those Christians that give $upport and agreement to their political conquest goals), and restrict the gospel of Jesus Christ.

I find it astonishing Christians are caught up "stand with Israel", a secular, anti-Christian, and secular-minded country in taking sides, when there are more Christians in Gaza than the State of Israel".

The Lord's HOLY CITY, ZION, the heavenly Jerusalem, has zero resemblance to the one people "stand with". -thus demonstrating the propagandizing efforts of Zionism.

Shifting the names.
Zion: 1. God's Holy City and Kingdom. 2. Zion a political cause without Christ.

1. The nation that came from the Bible Patriarchs and named for Jacob/  Israel. It  was led by Godly prophets into the land, and given a Covenant with terms for occupation. 
2. "The STATE of Israel", a nation created by atheists, secular Jews, Rothschilds-satanists which usurps the name of the original and has an occult Flag with an understood symbolic 666. (6 points, 6 triangles, and a six-sided hexagram in the center.)

The STATE of Israel is a POLITICAL entity founded by atheist$.

Among them names such as Theodore Herzl, father of the Jewish homeland movement, David Ben Gurion, Menachem Begin (pre-1948 Irgun terrorist and later Prime Minister. Herzl's close colleague Max Nordau. Ze’ev Jabotinsky, who led the hardline Revionist Zionist movement in the interwar years, also eschewed religion, defining his Jewishness in secular nationalist terms.
This trend continued after the establishment of the STATE of Israel. President Chaim Weizmann (in office 1949-52) and Prime Minister David Ben Gurion (in office 1948-54 and 1955-63) were self-proclaimed atheists.
👉The ISRAEL of GOD is the HOLY NATION of ALL saints IN CHRIST, The KING. "ALL ISRAEL" includes non-JU-daens.
Do not be deceived.

This realization is confirmed in Leviticus 26, Jeremiah 23, 30, 31, Ezekiel 16 and 37, Hosea 2 (among many others), which give the prerequisites for both entering and staying in HIS land.

There is nothing about 1948 fits any of those prophecies.
The Israelites are those God called a stiff-necked and rebellious people.
For this reason, and that of rejecting His beloved Son, that God  EXPELLED them from His land, revoking their land rights and kingdom status. 

Never do we see precedence for them being returned into the land while in disobedience to the very Testament where God created them.

We always see the exact opposite - in accordance with Leviticus 26. Obey = equals enter and stay.
Disobedience brought tribulation, judgement, and exile.

If my suspicions are true, MUCH can be relalized from a counterfeit event - not the least of which is the apostasy that will play a major role in the Coming Great Deception.

The Best Case, no prophetic time clock started in 1948, and prophetic timings are off.
Worst Case - LOTS of people in ignorance have financially supported a Luciferian orchestrated and run plan... which has led to the slaughter and maiming of millions. 

Looking at the news today, this appears to be ramping up for more of the same and dragging major nations into an apocalyptic war, no raptures included.
So comparing this with the hoped for Rapture scenario -  the artfully engineered scripture constructs designed for all of those who think 1948 was legit - and the deception is mainstreamed.

A Marriage in Trouble: Israel Part 10

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