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Thursday, September 28, 2023


The Dragon Dream: Linda, 8-20-05 


I was in a valley between two mountains with many other people.   


The mountain on the left showed some vegetation on the side and some buildings on top.   

The mountain on my right was barren, dry and empty.   


As I observed the dry mountain on the right I noticed the outline of a huge dragon appearing in the side of it.    


Then the picture-outline of the dragon began moving and emerging out of the dirt, becoming 3 dimensional before it began roaring and going after the people.   
Everyone started screaming in panic and running for their lives. 


 Some ran to the other mountain and started climbing to get away from the beast 


I climbed up the same mountain as the others and when I got to the top there was a boxy building complex.  I was frantically looking for a place to hide inside and the building was empty.   

While in one of the rooms I looked out the window and saw out of a window on the left, at a lower level on the mountain, heavy yucca plant vegetation covering the landscape.   


On a lower level of the mountain were two armies in black berets, black pants, a diagonal strap only one army had blue shirts, the other red shirts 

and were all carrying weapons.   


Theses two opposing forces were moving through a field of tall corn which hid them from each other. 

The interpretation will be sent by those that request. It is unfolding before us.


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