Many of God's people would and could prophesy by the Holy Spirit if they simply would listen and hear the voice of Jesus who said in John 10, "My sheep hear My voice...".
"... and my sons and daughters shall prophesy..."
Most prophesying is simply us giving utterance to what the Lord says. He is not chatty or trivial.He will reveal, warn, correct, build up in faith, encourage, strengthen, and speak through His vessels in what Paul said to the churches in 1Corinthians 14:39 (ASV)
Wherefore, my brethren, desire earnestly to prophesy, and forbid not to speak with tongues.
What you once knew is passing away
"My covenant and my testament is only found among those of my people who believe the promises and live in them.
Many profess to know Me but they do not, they know another god who is one of their own making and ideas.
Because so many who are called by my name have put their trust in the idols of this world,
I am giving them over to their own idolatrous deceptions.
If I cannot reason with them through My words, how then can you?
My people are divided, and divided. The division in the land is a sign of what has happened in the kingdom of God.
I am coming to prepare a place for those who will seek Me in the shelter of My ark, the ark of the Covenant. (IN CHRIST).
Those will I hide as in a cleft in the Rock because they shelter in Me as they recognize the time and the season.
The separations are being made through the Sword of My Spirit
but the sword of men will come also and make evident the sheep from the goats.
but the sword of men will come also and make evident the sheep from the goats.
You are not as one of them, hear Me people,
come out from them, come out of her, flee your own Babylon!
Hear My voice, I am the True Shepherd of the sheep, the thief comes to kill and destroy,
but he comes as an angel of light!
I am grieved for those that must fall and take no pleasure from that, I am love and I am mercy and my arms have been outstretched to a gainsaying people.
come out from them, come out of her, flee your own Babylon!
Hear My voice, I am the True Shepherd of the sheep, the thief comes to kill and destroy,
but he comes as an angel of light!
I am grieved for those that must fall and take no pleasure from that, I am love and I am mercy and my arms have been outstretched to a gainsaying people.
What you once knew is passing away, all that pertains to life as you knew it as I prepare those for an entrance into My kingdom."
In April 2024 this word is bearing profound truth.
The Lord warns us:
The "angel of Light comes through many and is found behind pulpits and microphones. The spirit of antichrist performs unchecked by those I commanded to "prove all".
My sheep rather than "prove all", they believe all and they trust all. By this they are deceived.
The Lord warns us:
The "angel of Light comes through many and is found behind pulpits and microphones. The spirit of antichrist performs unchecked by those I commanded to "prove all".
My sheep rather than "prove all", they believe all and they trust all. By this they are deceived.
What is truth when it has one line which is not true?
What is a little leaven to the whole lump?
Words are leaven and words of truth are not to be mingled.
What is a little leaven to the whole lump?
Words are leaven and words of truth are not to be mingled.
If one does not put out the leaven, then the Passover is polluted.
"But the setting is so beautiful!", they say, and the words sound so sweet.
Did I not say "MY WORDS are Spirit and they are life"?
"But the setting is so beautiful!", they say, and the words sound so sweet.
Did I not say "MY WORDS are Spirit and they are life"?
What then are their words when they are the words, opinions, and ideas about MY words and not what was written for your admonition?
Without discernment my people are made comfortable in deceit and are taken captive.
When I call, they look to man.
A mind clouded by religious church men obscures truth, and truth is veiled, the veil becomes blindness. The men and women who usurp my authority use their position for self, the people are comforted by deceit and content to follow them.
Without discernment my people are made comfortable in deceit and are taken captive.
When I call, they look to man.
A mind clouded by religious church men obscures truth, and truth is veiled, the veil becomes blindness. The men and women who usurp my authority use their position for self, the people are comforted by deceit and content to follow them.
If a man or woman turn to me with their whole heart and a willingness to repent, then I can lead them and make them as my disciple.
To follow me (i.e. Christ Jesus) in meekness and lowliness, yet without fear, and I will speak to each of you and reveal my true nature to you. My ways are not the ways of the pulpit princes. Do you know their end?
They will lose all, the accolades and unjust gain will be stripped away, some by violence.
Do not say in your heart "what happened before will not happen now",
I tell you that My hand and a sword are already upon this life and this world, armies are marshalled and marching, driven by the spirits demons, and the churches are filled with the dead and sleeping.
They will lose all, the accolades and unjust gain will be stripped away, some by violence.
Do not say in your heart "what happened before will not happen now",
I tell you that My hand and a sword are already upon this life and this world, armies are marshalled and marching, driven by the spirits demons, and the churches are filled with the dead and sleeping.
Is that too strong to hear?
What then when you see it as others are?
My Will is for all to repent from the depths of your hearts that I may show forth mercy and justice.
What then when you see it as others are?
My Will is for all to repent from the depths of your hearts that I may show forth mercy and justice.
The gods of SELF-WILL and material comfort lead away from Me.
Are these less deceptive than an idol of stone painted and decorated to represent that which I detest?
Are these less deceptive than an idol of stone painted and decorated to represent that which I detest?
Dear Bro.Rory. So good to know you through your profile on the blogger. I am also glad to stop by your blog " Preparinghisways" and the post on it "... and my sons and daughters shall prophesy...". Thank you for your post and the reminder through it. I am in the Pastoral ministry for last 34 yrs in the great city of Mumbai, India acity with great contrast where richest of rich and the poorest of poor live. We reach out to the poorest of poor with the love of Christ to bring ehaling to the broken hearted. We also encourage young people as well as adults from the West to come to Mumbai to work with us on a short/ long term missions trip during their summer vacation. We would love to have young people from your church to come on a short or long term (from two weeks to six months) to work with us. I am sure they have a live changing expereicne. I also would like to invite you to be a blessing to the body of Christ in Mumbai where we can organize leaders meeting so that you can specially bring out Biblical teaching on giving and tithing. I would love to visit you God willing next summer. I have visited California States number of times and have always stayed in Chula Vista close San Diego. My email id is :dhwankhede(at)gmail(dot)com and my name is Diwakar Wankhede