A Dictionary of words, teachings, or beliefs which cannot be either affirmed or quoted in scripture
1Peter 4: 11 If any man speak, let him speak as the oracles of God
In today's homogenized, packaged-faith, divided and sub-divided Christianity, we find many terms, phrases, and overlooked words that are assumed to be "Christian". Some of these may surprise you.
Many words, phrases, and assumed Church-speak catch-phrases are simply not in God's Word.
In today's homogenized, packaged-faith, divided and sub-divided Christianity, we find many terms, phrases, and overlooked words that are assumed to be "Christian". Some of these may surprise you.
Many words, phrases, and assumed Church-speak catch-phrases are simply not in God's Word.
"Accept Christ as personal savior" (no scripture)
Advertising: as in marketing a church or ministry
Advent: season (no scripture)
All religions lead to God.
Altar call: not found by example or word in the NT
Armor-bearer: as a person who "protects" the pastor.
Armor-bearer: as a person who "protects" the pastor.
Ask Jesus into your Heart: a simplistic salvation Doctrine not found or quoted in Scripture.
Assistant Pastor : an unscriptural office.
Bible: (The Scriptures ) when spoken of as: not God's Word, as not complete,
as not the only book of scripture, or filled with error, or not understandable.
as not the only book of scripture, or filled with error, or not understandable.
Bishop: in the sense of one in authority over pastors
Bishop: as a Titled position, or anyone in scripture as addressed as "Bishop..."
Bishop: as a Titled position, or anyone in scripture as addressed as "Bishop..."
Boards, church leaders, board of elders, board-run. unscriptural offices.
Buildings: identified as churches.
Buying and selling: in terms of merchandising what God has given by inspiration: (music, books, leadership materials conferences, etc)
Cardinal: a Titled office, not found anywhere in Scripture
"Casting the Vision": a catch-phrase without New Testament foundation
Catchers: those who catch them who "fall out"
Choir robes
Church Incorporation: 501c3 or any form of legal agreement with government reporting.
Churches owning property and/ or business.
Church Growth Program: TOO many to list! over 2.8 million on google!
Church Marketing: as related to promotion, advertising, growth programs
Church Names: an invention of the divided institutional church
Christmas: surprise? it is not in scripture as a Christian celebration.
Clergy, clergyman: an unscriptural office.
Clothing: as pertaining to robes, collars, paraphenelia, special church clothes, suits, as distinguishing clergy from laity.
Confession: to a priest
Confirmation: as a ritual confirming someone as being a Christian
Co-pastor: wife as a titled office in a church. or any person "co-pastoring"
Covering: spiritual. "spiritual covering": As in denominational, or a pastor
Dec. 25: As Christ's birthday. Without any scripture or Biblical text.
demons: as not existing
demons: as that Christians cannot have them or be afflicted by them
demons: as that Christians cannot have them or be afflicted by them
devil: as not existing
Denominations aka "heresies",
District superintendent: as an office in the church
Doctorate of Divinity, Theology, or other titled degree
Doctrinal Statement: There is not a list in the NT.
Drunk in the Spirit
Easter: as a Christian celebration
Elders: As a group of church leaders functioning as a corporate advisory and voting body subservient to a pastor.
Everyone is saved.
Faith without works
Falling Out: as a practice when someone is "ministered" to
"First Lady": as a title in a church.
Fund-raising for the benefit of the same people doing the fund-raising.
Fund-raising for the benefit of the same people doing the fund-raising.
Gay life and/ or Marriage as approved or encouraged in scripture
"God helps those who help themselves"
God and Country: a phrase used as a militant force.
"God uses doctors"
"Go to church"
Good Friday
Halloween celebrated by God's people
Hierarchy: As a church governmental structure.
Hierlings: Salaried or tithe requiring paid ministers
Hell: when taught as not real, not eternal, not a place of torment.
Human government in the church (the leaven of Herod)
Infant baptism
Jesus: "dual nature", "God man", "God incarnate" "Jesus is God", "Deity of Christ".
Jesus: never existed/ a legend
Jesus not born of a virgin
Jesus: political, leader of rebellion or insurrection
Jewish OT dietary laws (given to the churches)
Jewish OT laws and ordinances to be kept by Christians.
King James Bible: As God's only valid English translation .
Lent: An invention of pagans before the time of Christ and a word never used in scripture.
"The Man of God" as a single man having sole authority of an assembly. As a priest or one having dominion
over a church
Marketing of the gospel: charging for meetings, ministry, personal prophecy, etc.
Mary: "Mother of God", Queen of Heaven
Mass: the "un-bloody" continuing sacrifice of the body of Jesus
Membership (church membership as a formal agreement )
Mid-trib rapture
Miracles not for today" (Cessation Doctrine: Signs passed with the Apostles )
Merchandising the Word: seeking profit from the gospel.
Miracles, tongues, Holy Spirit signs ceased with the apostles
Oaths: loyalty, oaths of office, foreswearing oneself.
Once Saved-Always Saved
Old Testament Law: to be observed and/ or kept by New Testament Christians
Oneness: like the word "trinity", a term not used in scripture
Orthodox: another term used to separate people through church traditions
Orthodox: another term used to separate people through church traditions
Passing the Plate: as an on-going practice every week in every church.
Pastor: as one man sole head of a church
Pastor: as one man embodied with all offices of the five-fold ministry.
Pastor: as president/ CEO, chief officer, Senior pastor.
Pew: as an article of furniture in a church
Pledge of allegiance (an oath) to any king, kingdom, image, or flag.
Political-national Israel as the chosen people or is the Israel of God
Pope: as a title in the New Testament church
Pledges: binding oneself to future giving
Prayers for the dead
pre-tribulation (rapture)
Priest: as a formal title or office in the church.
Priest: as a formal title or office in the church.
Programmed church services (songs/ announcements /offerring/ sermon typically )
Prosperity and Materialism Gospel Doctrine
programs: ... as scriptural methods of growing churches.
Regular Sunday Offerings (were never instituted in scripture as an on-going practice)
Reverend (as a title)
Sabbath keeping: as a saturday ritual observance or law
Salaried church leadership
Salvation without repentance
Second Chance after Death
Selling: of the gospel, exchanging of one's ministry for pay.
a SENIOR PASTOR: none are found in the New Testament.
a SENIOR PASTOR: none are found in the New Testament.
Standards: of dress and adornment (hair length, jewelry, pants-dresses, makeup)
Statues: icons, idols, and images as objects of worship or prayer.
Storehouse: The local church is the
Soul Sleep
Sunday sabbath Sunday sermon: as a ritual oratory and weekly practice.
Sunrise Service: as a Christian Easter observance.
Tithe/ tithing: As a New Testament practice, or Christians told to observe.
Titles of religious offices.
Tongues: speaking in tongues is of the devil, or has ceased
Transubstantiation: the belief that the "host" cracker and wine are somehow literally transformed into the physical body and blood of Christ.
Transubstantiation: the belief that the "host" cracker and wine are somehow literally transformed into the physical body and blood of Christ.
Trinity: as a term not found in scripture.
Unconditional Eternal Security
Unforgiveness of others and be saved
Voting in a pastor
Worship leader: can you find one in the New Testament?
Women: apostles, pastors, bishops. or other having spiritual authority over a man in the body of Christ.
@Sara, I will need to edit. The term "not real" was intended to mean the doctrine of hell not being eternal torment is incorrect. I do have a writing on it in a folder somewhere and have had in-depth discussions with the other viewpoint. We believe Luke is correct. Thank you and abide in His Word